Most common fundings

A three year funding (normal PhD duration) is required to apply at ED STIC. The PhD supervisor is supposed to accompany the student in the search of this funding.

There are lot of possible such fundings, among them:

  • the ones of UCA awarded by the ED STIC
  • the ones of the UCAjedi IdEx, targeted on thematic and excellence criteria
  • the ones of the LabEx UCN@SOPHIA and SIGNALIFE also targeted on thematic criteria
  • the ones of the "Conseil Régional PACA" mainly based on the PhD subject
  • the ones of French research institutes (CNES, DGA, CEA...)
  • the ones coming from foreign states or institutes (if insufficient, they must be augmented by team fundings)
  • CIFRE fundings of the ANRT are attributed to close collaborations between an industry and a research team
  • etc.
French rules allow foreign students to work a maximum of 884 hours per year (half-time work). An application must be submitted to the "Direction Départementale du travail et de l’Emploi" (DDTE). However, this must be compatible with your PhD research activities.

Competitions for fundings mostly evaluate triplets "Supervisor/Subject/Candidate" with relative weight depending on the particular competition.

Have a look at the Current year menu for the dates of local competitions.