Best PhD awards

EDSTIC PhD thesis prize

The EDSTIC doctoral school is supporting seven PhD thesis prizes in 2021.

The first experience of the thesis prize in 2020 highlighted the important number of very good applications and the difficulty to award a prize among very different disciplines. We have therefore decided, in 2021, to increase the number of thesis prizes by awarding prizes by specialty, except for the specialties electronics and COP which are grouped together, given the lower number of defenses compared to the specialties ATSI and computer science. Moreover, we want to keep on with gender parity and have decided to award an additional prize, called the gender parity prize, that will award a woman doctor. All these prizes are financed by the ED's own funds. Last but not leastthe prize financed by the Fondation de l'Université Côte d'Azur ( will be renewed in 2021.
All these prizes reward innovative work but also the ability of the doctoral student to present his/her work in a clear and pedagogical manner.
The awards will be presented in December of each year at a ceremony organized by the Fondation de l'Université Côte d'Azur.
In addition, in 2021, we wanted to reward the courage and tenacity of doctoral students related to the months of confinement that disrupted the normal course of their doctorate, and decided to increase the number of prizes per specialty or group of specialties to two.

Awardees: Please refer to the French page (Le parcours doctoral => Prix de thèse)

The EDSTIC doctoral school is supporting two PhD thesis prizes starting from 2020.

These prizes will be attributed according to a gender parity rule. They aim at rewarding the most innovative research works, but also the ability of the the PhD student to present his work in a clear and educational way.  One of the prizes is funded by the Université Côte d’Azur foundation ( and the other from the doctoral school's own funds. The prizes will be awarded at a ceremony organized by the Côte d'Azur University foundation of the each year in December.


All the PhD students of EDSTIC are eligible to the prize. However, the prize-winners must agree to be present at the awards ceremony. Please inform the doctoral school secretariat with a copy to the ED Director if you do not wish to compete for the thesis prize.
Given the time lag between the end of the calendar year and the selection that must be made before the awards ceremony, candidates who have defended late will be eligible for the following year.
The names of the laureates as well as the title of their PhD manuscript will be mentioned each year on this page.

Selection procedures

Based on the reviewers evaluation and the quality of the defence,  a first selection will be made to determine shortlisted candidates. In November, the board of EDSTIC will meet to select the winners among them.